
by Dave Jenkins – Life and Relationship Coach

Hello, Purpose!: 21 Day Journal to Uncovering Your Purpose

Are you tired of feeling lost and disconnected from your purpose? Do distractions and disappointments keep getting in the way of living a fulfilling life? "Hello, Purpose! 21 Day Journal to Uncovering Your Purpose" is the solution you've been searching for. This 21-day journal will help you unleash your purpose from the clutches of distractions, disappointments, and disillusionment.

Benefits of reading "Hello, Purpose!":

  • Rediscover and reconnect to your purpose in a straightforward way

  • Learn how to live out your purpose with confidence and clarity

  • Find courage and wisdom to move from searching to walking in your calling

What's inside "Hello, Purpose!":

  • Daily teachings on how to identify your purpose

  • Biblical truths and reflective exercises to guide you on your journey

  • Encouragement to explore your inner thoughts, emotions, and past experiences to uncover your true purpose

Prepare to greet your purpose with a resounding” Hello!”

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